British Values
Schools have to have a policy in place and promote British Values.
British Values are defined as:
• Democracy
• Rule of law
• Individual liberty
• Mutual respect
• Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs
Democracy and Equality are an integral part of our school life. All are treated as equal and respect and diversity are celebrated. The staff, pupil and parent voice is important and valued.
At Baldwins Gate we demonstrate our commitment by:
• Class rules to which the children contribute.
• School Council with all class representation.
• Pupil questionnaires (annual).
• Pupil input into all aspects of their learning.
• We operate an open door policy which welcomes the expression of concerns/ideas.
• Parents Evenings are held regularly.
• Parental questionnaires (annual).
• Parental representation on governing body.
• Parental workshops and regular website updates to keep parents up to date.
All pupils and parents are listened to with care and respect.
We encourage pupils to take ownership of their school, their learning and their progress. This is demonstrated through Building Learning Power (BLP).
Rule of Law
School rules are taught, modelled and enforced and they teach children that they have responsibility for their own actions, that they make choices and that there are consequences of their choices. They are taught that their actions can impact upon others, that there is a reason for rules and that many are there to protect and guide individuals, our school and our society. They are taught that there are consequences if laws are broken.
• School rules.
• Rules which keep us safe in subject areas PE.
• Rules which keep us safe – internet safety and road safety
Individual Liberty
Our pupils are encouraged to express respectful views and opinions. They are encouraged to consider and make their own choices and decisions. Within a supportive and safe environment they can make choices:
• around their learning.
• about how they record.
• regarding the pursuit of their own interests.
• as to participation in extra-curricular activities.
They are taught that they have the right to have individual choices but with that right comes responsibility.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance
Our school values are an important aspect of our ethos. We celebrate each individual’s uniqueness. Pupils know the importance of respect for everyone, respect for differences and uniqueness. We all have to respect each other’s belongings and property. Children are also taught to have respect for the natural world in which they live. As a church school our collective worship is fundamentally Christian in character but also recognises the tolerance and understanding of the faiths of others. Respect and tolerance are taught directly through RE, PHSE and topics (reflected in themes for collective worship – Values for Life themes).
British Values Policy
Our British Values policy can be accessed here and is also available in the Policies section of this website.
Schools have to have a policy in place and promote British Values.
British Values are defined as:
• Democracy
• Rule of law
• Individual liberty
• Mutual respect
• Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs
Democracy and Equality are an integral part of our school life. All are treated as equal and respect and diversity are celebrated. The staff, pupil and parent voice is important and valued.
At Baldwins Gate we demonstrate our commitment by:
• Class rules to which the children contribute.
• School Council with all class representation.
• Pupil questionnaires (annual).
• Pupil input into all aspects of their learning.
• We operate an open door policy which welcomes the expression of concerns/ideas.
• Parents Evenings are held regularly.
• Parental questionnaires (annual).
• Parental representation on governing body.
• Parental workshops and regular website updates to keep parents up to date.
All pupils and parents are listened to with care and respect.
We encourage pupils to take ownership of their school, their learning and their progress. This is demonstrated through Building Learning Power (BLP).
Rule of Law
School rules are taught, modelled and enforced and they teach children that they have responsibility for their own actions, that they make choices and that there are consequences of their choices. They are taught that their actions can impact upon others, that there is a reason for rules and that many are there to protect and guide individuals, our school and our society. They are taught that there are consequences if laws are broken.
• School rules.
• Rules which keep us safe in subject areas PE.
• Rules which keep us safe – internet safety and road safety
Individual Liberty
Our pupils are encouraged to express respectful views and opinions. They are encouraged to consider and make their own choices and decisions. Within a supportive and safe environment they can make choices:
• around their learning.
• about how they record.
• regarding the pursuit of their own interests.
• as to participation in extra-curricular activities.
They are taught that they have the right to have individual choices but with that right comes responsibility.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance
Our school values are an important aspect of our ethos. We celebrate each individual’s uniqueness. Pupils know the importance of respect for everyone, respect for differences and uniqueness. We all have to respect each other’s belongings and property. Children are also taught to have respect for the natural world in which they live. As a church school our collective worship is fundamentally Christian in character but also recognises the tolerance and understanding of the faiths of others. Respect and tolerance are taught directly through RE, PHSE and topics (reflected in themes for collective worship – Values for Life themes).
British Values Policy
Our British Values policy can be accessed here and is also available in the Policies section of this website.