Baldwins Gate Primary School PTA
The school has a thriving Parent Teacher Association and Parents or Guardians of children attending the school are automatically members. This is a friendly group of Mums, Dads, Staff and Governors who meet on a regular basis mainly to organise fund raising and social events and also to discuss any other matters relevant to school life which may be of concern to parents.
The main fund raising events are the Christmas and Summer Fayres but other events are also planned such as Quiz Nights, Beetle Drives and School Discos. The PTA provides refreshments at school events such as Sports Day and Concerts.
Our PTA relies on the generosity, goodwill and support of its members. The PTA welcomes new ideas and we are always appreciative of any extra help - it is hoped that new parents will want to become involved in their PTA.
Parental involvement in many aspects of school life is encouraged. Any parents, who are able to help at school in any way, should contact a member of the PTA Committee, the Headteacher or school office.
If you would like to get involved with our PTA, please speak to one of the Committee Members or contact Mrs Riley in the school office.
The main fund raising events are the Christmas and Summer Fayres but other events are also planned such as Quiz Nights, Beetle Drives and School Discos. The PTA provides refreshments at school events such as Sports Day and Concerts.
Our PTA relies on the generosity, goodwill and support of its members. The PTA welcomes new ideas and we are always appreciative of any extra help - it is hoped that new parents will want to become involved in their PTA.
Parental involvement in many aspects of school life is encouraged. Any parents, who are able to help at school in any way, should contact a member of the PTA Committee, the Headteacher or school office.
If you would like to get involved with our PTA, please speak to one of the Committee Members or contact Mrs Riley in the school office.