Trip Programme 2024/2025We are very excited to be able to write to you with information about our trips programme for the academic year 2024/2025.
As a school we strongly believe in the benefits of learning away from the school and have developed a very exciting trip programme for the children. The trips aim to consolidate and extend the topics covered in class, to open the children’s eyes to how their learning relates to the real world or to develop their curiosity and passion in specific subject areas. We have this year, for the first time, extended our residential visits programme to include a one night residential trip for our Year 2 pupils. Residential trips help the children to develop skills in independence, leadership and teamwork. School have contributed financially to trips to bring costs down as much as possible. However, in order to make school trips and workshops financially viable we have to ask for a contribution from parents. This contribution covers the cost of transport, accommodation (where applicable), entry fee and any activities or workshops. We are giving you this information now to enable you to plan and to spread the contributions out at a level that has minimum impact on you. |
It is important for us to point out that if we do not receive enough contributions then the trips might not be able to go ahead. We really hope that this will not be the case but we will let you know if we find ourselves in this predicament.
In response to parental enquiries, if you would like to contribute more to the cost of a particular trip you are very welcome to and you should be able to do this on ParentPay. To secure a place for your child on a residential visit the deposit, instalments or one off payments must be paid on time. Due to the number of trips and the number of invoices we have to pay, we will be strictly adhering to payment schedules. All trips have been uploaded to ParentPay and, if it helps, you can start making payments straight away. If you are experiencing financial difficulty or in receipt of Free School Meals, please speak to the school office to arrange to meet with me. Information on all the trips planned for the academic year is provided below.
Trip Programme 2024/2025 |
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